Prof. Dr. med. habil. Dr. med. Halvard B. Bönig, M.A.
Abteilung Forschung und Entwicklung - Translationale Zelltherapeutikaentwicklung/GMP
Beruflicher Werdegang
Bennung zum „Visiting Professor in Transfusion Medicine“ an der Universität Ljubljana, Slowenien
Affiliate Professor of Medicine/Hematology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Affiliate Associate Professor of Medicine/Hematology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Habilitation im Fach Experimentelle Hämatologie zum Dr. med. habil.
Leiter der Abteilung für Zelltherapeutika / Cell Processing (GMP), Institut für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie Frankfurt a.M.
Ruf (primo loco) auf die W3 Professur für Translationale Entwicklung von Zelltherapeutika an der Goethe Universität, Frankfurt (angenommen)
Affiliate Assistant Professor of Medicine/Hematology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter beim DRK-Blutspendedienst BaWüHe, Institut Frankfurt
Acting Assistant Professor of Medicine/Hematology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Senior Research Fellow im Labor von Prof. Papayannopoulou, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Arzt in der Weiterbildung) am Zentrum für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin der HHU Düsseldorf; Facharztprüfung zum Arzt für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin
Promotion zum Dr. med. an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Med. Staatsexamen
Magister Artium Anglistik und Kunstgeschichte
Studium der Anglistik, Kunstgeschichte und Medizin an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical School, London, und University of Tennessee, Memphis TN
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Bonig H, Priestley GV, Nilsson LM, Jiang Y, Papayannopoulou T (2004) PTX sensitive signals in bone marrow homing of fetal and adult hemopoietic Progenitor cells, Blood 104:2299-2306.
- Bonig H, Priestley GV, Papayannopoulou T (2006) Hierarchy of molecular pathway usage in bone marrow homing and its shift by cytokines, Blood 107:79-86.
- Bonig H, Chang KH, Nakamoto B, Papayannopoulou T (2006) The laminin receptor p67 is preferentially expressed in human erythroid progenitors and guides their lodgment to bone marrow, Blood 108:1230-1233.
- Bonig H, Wundes A, Chang KH, Lucas S, Papayannopoulou, T (2008) Increased numbers of circulating hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC) are chronically maintained in patients treated with the CD49d blocking antibody Natalizumab, Blood 111:3439-3441.
- Hsieh YT*, Gang EJ*, Geng H, Park E, Huantes S, Chudziak D, Dauber K, Schaefer P, Scharman C, Shimada H, Syedmedi S, Klemm L, Loh M, Kang ES, Koo HH, Hofmann WK, Andrade J, Crooks GM, Willman CL, Müschen M, Papayannopoulou T, Heisterkamp N, Bonig H*, Kim YM* (2013) VLA4 blockade eradicates drug resistant pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood 121:1814-8. *equal contribution
- Featured in Newswatch, Cancer Discovery January 24, 2013, DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-RW2013-019.
- Karpova D, Dauber K, Spohn G, Chudziak D, Wiercinska E, Schulz M, Pettit AR, Levesque JP, Romagnoli B, Patel K, Chevalier E, Dembowsky K, Bonig H (2013) The novel CXCR4 antagonist POL5551 mobilizes hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells with greater efficiency than Plerixafor. Leukemia 27:2322-2331.
- Karpova D, Ritchey J, Holt M, Monlish D, Batoon L, Millard A, Spohn G, Wiercinska E, Chendamarai E, Yang W, Schuettpelz LG, Dembowsky K, Pettit AR, Rettig M, Bonig H*, DiPersio JF* (2017) Continuous blockade of CXCR4 results in dramatic mobilization and expansion of murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Blood 129:2939-2949. *equal contribution
- Karpova D, Rettig MP, Ritchey J, Cancilla D, Christ S, Gehrs L, Chendamarai E, Evbuomwan MO, Holt M, Zhang J, Abou-Ezzi G, Celik H, Wiercinska E, Yang W, Eissenber LG, Heier RF, Arnett SD, Meyers MJ, Prinsen MJ, Griggs DW, Trumpp A, Ruminski PG, Morrow DM, Bonig H, Link DC, DiPersio JF (2019) Targeting CXCR2 and VLA4 to mobilize hematopoietic stem cells. Journal of Clinical Investigation 129:2745-2759.
- Tirado-Gonzalez I, Descot A, Soetopo D, Nevmerzitskaya A, Schäffer A, Kur IM, Ewelina C, Wachtel C, Tsoukala I, Müller L, Schäfer AL, Weitmann M, Dinse P, Alberto E, Buck MC, Landry JJ, Baying B, Slotta-Huspenina J, Roseler J, Harter PN, Kubach AS, Meinel J, Elwakeel E, Strack E, Tran Quang C, Abdel-Wahab O, Schmitz M, Weiger A, Schmid T, Platzbecker U, Benes V, Ghysdael J, Bonig H, Goetze KS, Torhlin C, Ghosh S, Medyouf H (2021) AXL inhibition in macrophages stimulates host-versus-leukemia immunity and eradicates naive and treatment resistant leukemia. Cancer Discovery 11:2924-2943.
- Ehrend E, Manns P, Harenkamp S, Seifried E, Geisen C, Bonig H (2021) re-analytic depletion of medicinal anti-CD38 antibody from patient plasma for immunohematology testing. Blood 138:814-817.
American Association of Blood Banks
American Society of Hematology
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie
International Society of Blood Transfusion
International Society of Experimental Hematology